What Temperature to Choose When Lighting

Lighting can vastly effect the room's vibes and also influence our mood,
to choose what colour temperature the light should be depends upon
Factors such as mentioned below

Lights are usually offered in three different colours temperatures 3000k warm white, 4000k natural white and 6000k cool white on  the general market. 

These colours are the ones that are also generally preferred by the vast. Here, is a guide on what colour temperature to use

1 Colour By Purpose

The colour of light should be chosen while keeping the purpose of the space in account i.e. the colour of light should not interfere with the objects or tasks.

The colour temperature of4000k should be used on places where there activities such as reading, studying, writing takes place. This frequency offer a cozy feeling and is like a natural light to the eyes, this can also be used in kitchens, halls and drawing rooms.

The temperature of 3000k should be used on places where activities such as sleeping, watching or eating takes place. This offers a warm and safe feeling. It is soothing to eyes but should not be used in places where activities such as cooking, painting, drawing or any other creative work as the warmer colour will interfere with the activity. it can be used on bedrooms, bathrooms and balconys

The temperature of 6000k should be used on places where work is done i.e. offices, Study tables, offices. This frequency is blueish white and is best for outdoor purposes and places where the colour has a great influence in activities.

2 Enviornment

The colour Temperature should go on contrast with the vibe of the room and highlight the decorations in a room. The colour of lights also effect our psychology i.e. it can impact our mood and feelings.

The environment of the should be kept in mind while remembering the feeling that would be associated with that specific place

The colour temperature  with the feeling they convey 

3000k conveys calmness and relaxation

 4000k conveys balanced and neutral 

6000k conveys alertness and energy

3 Compatibility

In order for the Lights we should keep in mind that the light’s colour temperature is  compatible with the room and compliments it. The light should not stand out and rather enhance the space by matching the vision that is for the room to be and match the feeling for so.